English, asked by winsonlin21, 8 months ago

A Dead Woman's Secret multiple choice question.

PART A: How do the siblings’ reactions to their mother’s letters contribute to the theme of the text?
A.The siblings are shocked, contributing to the theme that people are not always as they seem.
B.The siblings are angered after learning about their real father, contributing to the theme that it is best to be honest with others.
C.The brother condemns their mother but the sister sympathizes with her, contributing to the theme of forgiving loved ones.
D.The siblings are shocked but still watch over their mother, contributing to the theme that it is best to be loyal to family.

PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?
A.“Then the son, with rapid fingers, fumbled in the packet of letters, took another of them and read” ( Paragraph 26)
B.“The nun, straight as a statue, with teardrops standing at each corner of her eyes, looked at her brother, waiting to see what he meant to do.” ( Paragraph 29)
C.“He went over to the drawer and flung in the letters which he had picked up from the floor.” ( Paragraph 31)
D.“without even a parting glance at the mother whom he had separated from them and condemned, he said slowly: ‘Now, my sister, let us leave the room.’” ( Paragraphs 32-33)


Answered by lakshyatikkiwal77










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