English, asked by 1105232, 1 year ago

descriptive essay that describes a biplane.


Answered by sushilyashk


Descriptive Essay On A Plane

1329 Words6 Pages

Thirty-one thousand feet above

The Remembrance of my first time flying on a plane brings goosebumps onto my skin. Nothing could have prepared me for that day.Gazing at the Colossal, white, monstrosity, my eyes bulged out of their sockets like a cannon firing. My face paled with fear as each plane landed and took off; I was so terrified. I could not believe that I would be on a plane in the next couple of minutes, fulfilling a dream and flying to Germany without any of my family and with complete strangers. Every second my heart kept pounding faster and faster than I thought it was going to explode. My body could barely hold itself together. I was so nervous that I was physically grasping onto my carry-on bag while waiting for the “now…show more content…

Once I got situated, I hurried up and clamped my seatbelt in preparation for take-off. The plane gives a quick shudder, pulls back and taxied slowly to the runway. Here it stops for a few moments and the engine roars louder and louder getting ready for departure. I got increasingly more scared with each loud roar. With one last roar, it blasted down the runway and lifted off. The buoyant feeling that was on my best friend 's face was not on my face.

The pilot’s calm, confident and reassuring voice came on over the intercom, welcoming us on board to flight 347 to Stuttgart. As the plane climbs in smooth steps, we see the airport building and the waiting planes grow smaller and smaller. After about 20 minutes into our flight, I started to relax a little. This was not so bad after all! As we raised higher, the city below transforms into the creation of a modern artist. Suddenly we were thirty-one thousand feet in the air. I could not believe it! The sharp, distinct pain quickly bolted to my ears. I forced myself to yawn and pretended that I was chewing; I put my fingers into my ears trying to ‘pop’ the air out, all to no avail.

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