A dialogue between two friends about the safety measurements taken in covid situation
Shweta: Hi Aadhya ! How are you ?
Aadhya: I am fine . How are you ?
Shweta : I am also fine .What are you doing ?
Aadhya : I am reading an article about Corona virus.
Shweta : I don't know much about corona virus . Will you share some information with me?
Aadhya : Of course . why not ? coronavirus are a large family of viruses that are know to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ( MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Shweta : Is there anything else.
Aadhya : Obviously The new strain of coronavirus which cause disease
i.e, COVID-19 was first identifield in December ,2019 in Wuhan, China
and since spread globally.
Shweta: What are the symptoms of coronavirus ? I know only a few.
Aadhya : The most common symptoms of coronavirus are fever , cough and shortness of breath .Apart from this , symptoms like fatigue ,sore throat, muscle pain and lass of taste or smell can also be seen in coronavirus patients.
Shweta: Can you tell me about me about all the safety measures?
Aadhya : Yes, of course .Whenever you cough or sneeze , cover your mouth with a tissue and throw it in a closed dustbin immediately . Always wear a mask . Also, wash your hand with a good sanitizer.
Shweta: Thanks for your information. I am so proud to have a friend like you. I am really grateful to you.
Aadhya : It's my pleasure .You may meet me anytime.
Shweta: Thankyou . I have to go now Good bye .
Aadhya : You are welcome Good bye.
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