Computer Science, asked by malakasi716, 9 months ago

A diamond with several flows entering and one leaving.​


Answered by anveshadeshmukh68

Answer in image attached!!!

Answered by Mrak4760

Decision.A diamond with one flow entering andseveral leaving. The flows leaving include conditionsalthough some modelers will not indicate theconditions if it is obvious.•Merge. A diamond with several flows entering andone leaving. The implication is that one or moreincoming flows must reach this point until processingcontinues, based on any guards on the outgoing flow.•Partition.Figure 2is organized into three partitions,also called swimlanes, indicating who/what isperforming the activities (either the Applicant,Registrar, or System).•Note.Used to indicate that a merge does not requireall three flows to arrive before processing can

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