Biology, asked by priyamohan389, 1 month ago

a)Differentiate the following Monocot root and Dicot root b) Draw a neat labelled diagram of Radial vascular bundle​


Answered by lavanyakarunakaran3


Dicot root

*The cortex area is narrow.

*The epiblema, cortex and endodermis are peeled and replaced by cork.

*Older dicot roots have a covering of cork.

*The endodermis is less thick and the Casparian strips are prominent.

*Passage cells are absent in the endodermis.

*Percicycle produces cork cambium and lateral roots.

*The number of xylem and phloem bundles vary from 2-5 and sometimes up to 8.

*Xylems vessels are angular

*The conjunctive tissue is parenchymatous and it forms the cambium.

*Secondary growth takes place to help cork and vascular cambium.

*Pith is reduced or absent and the reduced pith is very small.

Monocot root

*The cortex region is wide.

*There is no formation of cork and only the epiblema is peeled off.

*Older monocot roots show a covering of exodermis.

*Endodermis cells are highly thick and the Casparian stripes are only visible in young roots.

*Passage cells are present and they are thin-walled.

*Pericycle only produces lateral roots.

*The number of xylem and phloem cells range between 8-46.

*Xylem vessels are oval or rounded.

*The conjunctive tissue can be parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous and conjunctive parenchyma does not form the cambium.

*Secondary growth is absent.

*Pith is well-developed.

Answered by raghulyuvaraj07


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