A drop-down list displays a list of options from which the user can select an
item. state whether its true or false
With a drop-down list or combo box, users make a choice among a list of mutually exclusive values. Users can choose one and only one option. With a standard drop-down list, users are limited to choices in the list, but with a combo box they can enter a choice that isn't in the list.
screen shot of reminder time combo box
A typical combo box.
The following terms are important to understand as you read this article:
A standard list box is a box containing a list of multiple items, with multiple items visible.
A drop-down list is a list in which the selected item is always visible, and the others are visible on demand by clicking a drop-down button.
A combo box is a combination of a standard list box or a drop-down list and an editable text box, thus allowing users to enter a value that isn't in the list.
An editable drop-down list is a combination of a drop-down list and an editable text box.
An editable list box is a combination of a standard list box and an editable text box.