Business Studies, asked by Aaravnasascientist, 2 months ago

(a) Explain how motivation can lead to improved labour productivity.
(b) Examine how the views of leaders, such as Julian Richer, can affect the successful implementatic
the workplace​


Answered by karonaashokkumar





Richer Sounds has vary famous in retail industry for most profitable hi-fi Retailor , they have holdingrecord in the Guinness Book of Records for highest sale per of square foot of any retailer in theworld. In 2003, the Sunday times did Survey and they came second among 100 companies to workfor, while Microsoft was on first position.According to case study, Richer Sounds is one of the most profitable retailor and that all because oftheir employees, they achieved these success through motivation of their employees, betterManagement and leadership, by creating teams at workplace and so on. According to Rayner andSmith (2009), an organisation can get better strategic advantage compare to competitor throughbehaviours of employees which cannot be copied which is we can see in the case study. Richersounds motivated their employees through rewards if you give up for smoking as health benefit,profits sharing with employees, paid holidays, typical pay package, performance bonus, careeropportunities means they can work in manufacturing companies which are owned by richer soundsif they gained experience in the stores. Motivation plays important role in richer sounds, whichenable them to achieved lower staff turnover, low absenteeism, empowering staff which indirectlyhelp to reduce cost and management level.

Management and Leadership:

According to MacDuffle (1995) Human Resource (HR) practise plays important role in theachievement of financial performance of the organisation, which we can see in Richer Sounds. Theorganisation behaviour is depend upon the HR practise and policies. However, organisation have toplay role on certain variable which includes job design, communication between subordinates andwith management, performance appraisal which influence the behaviour of individual, teams andorganisation as a whole (Nelson, 1994). According to Reddington et al., 2005) each organisation

need to develop their distinctive plan for handling HR issues because there is no such “one

-size fit

for all” solution. In case study, they developed so many HR policies to encourage the staff and also

policy for social work as we see they involved with Perusal Foundation which is charitable company,mainly involved in helping homeless people, animal welfare and human rights. However, they aresome policies which is not in the favour of employees, for instance contract agreement to not eatsmelly foods before they turn up for work, strict about working regulation means they strict abouttiming; no late staying or coming late

, recruitment through store’s catalogues however they claimed

that they tired lifestyle magazine for recruit but most of people did not notice them.The leadership in the organisation also depend on the style of leadership implemented and how ishelpful to handle organisation behaviour issues. Each organisation has its own leadership andmanagement style which is depend on the objectives and mission of that organisation. Richersounds believing on value of money and good customer service, for that they treated their staff withbest pay package and motivate them as I discussed above which satisfied internal customer and thiswill help enable them to achieve their objectives. Foster (2005) mentioned that organisations aremore link with their employees which will help leaders to create a strong need of feeling theproblems as shared problems. In case study, Richer Sounds not only unique HR policies are followedbut also unique leadership is also observed. The case study highlight various management practicesand leadership approach are used to motivate the individual as well as team for achieving desiredgoals. As per case study, employees are encouraged to come up with ideas while enjoying a drin

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