a) Explain the working of SONAR.
b) A radar signal is reflected by an aeroplane and is received 2 ×
sec after it was sent. If the speed of these waves is 3 ×
m/s. How far is the aeroplane from radar?
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A) SONAR which stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging is used to navigate and find out the location of objects .It works on the Principle of Echo-location.An ultrasonic sound wave is sent and the time taken by it to return is noted.and the distace of the object is found out ny the formula .: v=2d/t
[tex]3 X 10^{8} =2d/2X 10^{-5} [/tex]
[tex]3 X 10^{8} =2d/2X 10^{-5} [/tex]
Thanks! :D
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