[A] Explanations
Explain with reference to the context the following passages :
1. My grandmother and
by heart
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My poor Grandmother. I adored her, and she loved me like no one else did. The last thing I would ever do is hurt her… Except this one time when my life literally depended on it. I knew it did — it could feel it in my bones.
My grandmother was such a special lady, and by that I mean a feisty, little, German, Sagittarius firecracker. She was amazing. But, her world was very small. She spent most of her years on the family farm, raising her daughters and running a small business. When I was a little girl, my mother and her sister worked for grandmother. It was an unspoken expectation that being the oldest grandchild meant I would take over one day and continue their legacy.
When I was eighteen years old, grandma added me to the payroll officially. When I enrolled in college classes she couldn’t understand why I would “waste my time” on a college education. She had my future all figured out for me, and I certainly didn’t need a degree to learn everything she knew about running an Adult Foster Care Home.
I didn’t have the heart to tell her then, but I knew that I didn’t want to take over the business. I knew it would break her heart, that she would take the decision personally, that it might damage my relationship with her.
I also knew that taking over the business was a trap. It would mean never being able to leave my hometown in rural Michigan. Leaving my hometown in rural Michigan was my only real goal in life, and I wasn’t going to do anything to mess it up. (Not even for my grandma, may she rest in peace.)
My mother had another sister. A college educated sister who never worked for the family business, and had moved all the way to California. Even as a little girl, I was so fascinated with her. She went places I only saw on TV, and did things I could only imagine. I wanted that. The freedom and excitement of experiencing far away places called to me. The security I saw in her life was unlike anything I knew, and I wanted that too, maybe more than anything.
After a couple semesters of school, I applied for a job at the local hospital to work as a ward clerk. When I told my Grandmother that they offered me a full time position (that worked with my school schedule), with full benefits (which we did not have) and paid double what she paid me (!) she was not happy for me.
She was heartbroken.
After a couple years at the local hospital, a wedding and a couple babies, I got my wish. My husband (at the time) and I packed up a U-Haul truck full of our hand-me-down furniture and drove thirteen hours away from everything I’d ever known.
Again, grandmother was heartbroken.
When my little sister graduated from college, I bought her a ticket to fly down and see me. My mother was furious. “What if her plane crashes? How could you ever forgive yourself?”
“She’s more likely to get in a car crash going to your house, mom. It’ll be fine.”
Mother hated my morbid jokes, and she hated the idea of her little girls leaving the safety of the county we were born in. My mother had never been on an airplane, and to my knowledge, neither had my grandmother. They rarely traveled more than a few miles from home.