A farmer plants apple trees in a square pattern. In order to protect the apple trees against the wind he plants conifer trees all around the orchard.
This entire problem is AQ. A farmer plants apple trees in a square pattern. In order to protect the apple trees against the wind he plants conifer trees all around the orchard. Here is a diagram of the situation where you can see the pattern of apple trees and conifer trees for the first 4 cases: x conifer tree -apple tree AQ: Question Set: Note: Be sure to use Polya's problem solving process and include parts a-d in steps 1-4. How do you see the pattern growing? Extend the pattern by drawing more cases. a. Suppose the farmer wants to make a much larger orchard with many rows of apple trees. As the farmer makes the orchard bigger, following this pattern, which will increase more quickly: the number of apple trees or the number of conifer trees? How do the growths compare with each other? Justify your answer using multiple representations: the visual pattern, equations, tables, written descriptions and graphs. b. Write a description of how you would determine the number of conifer and apple trees in any case number. c. Write general expressions so you can calculate the number of conifer and apple trees in any case number d.