A farmer works in fields and sleep under the _____ of stars. After harvest he ties _______ of stalks and looks after his ______ of chikens and the ________ of puppies. He sells the ________ of eggs to increase his income.
Chicken meat and eggs are the best source of quality protein,
and are badly needed by the many millions of people who live
in poverty. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and South Asia malnutrition (poor nutrition) and undernutrition (inadequate nutrition)
are closely associated with poverty. These conditions affect the
immune system. The HIV/AIDS epidemic sweeping through countries in SSA stems partly from extreme poverty and, with it, poor
Wide variation in consumption of poultry
meat and eggs
A recent survey of several countries found that 34 percent of
the people surveyed in South Asia and 59 percent in SSA were
suffering from severe energy deficiency (Smith and Wiseman,
2007). Both groups obtained 67 percent of their energy from staple foods (cereal grains, grain legumes, starchy roots and tubers)
containing small quantities of only low-quality protein. Their average per capita egg consumption was only 42 per year, compared
with a global average of 153. Stunting and wasting in children
under five years of age, and slow mental development were seen
mainly in rural areas of SSA. Eight out of ten of those affected
were among the poor. Diseases such as kwashiorkor and marasmus, both seen in underweight children, are associated with
inadequate dietary energy and protein. Pregnant and lactating
women and young children are particularly vulnerable.
In SSA, only 8 percent of dietary energy comes from animal
protein, compared with an average of 17 percent in all developing countries, and 28 percent in China.
Chicken meat and eggs: a valuable source
of protein and almost all of the essential
Chicken meat and eggs provide not only high-quality protein, but
also important vitamins and minerals. Worldwide, 2 billion people depend on rice as their staple food. Most eat polished white
rice stripped of many essential fats, the B complex vitamins and
several minerals. Other cereal grains are usually deficient in critical nutrients. For example, maize (corn) is a staple food in some
regions, but the niacin it contains is unavailable. Maize consumption without supplements causes pellagra. Invariably the protein
content of grains is low and of poor quality. Net protein utilization (NPU) is an index of protein quality, calculated by multiplying
protein digestibility by biological value. NPU of grains is generally
less than 40. Rice is the exception, with NPU of about 60, but it is
low in protein (7.5 percent). NPU of chicken eggs is 87. Generally,
cereals lack the most important amino acids for humans – lysine,
threonine, the sulphur-bearing amino acids (methionine and
cysteine) and occasionally tryptophan. Eggs and chicken meat are
rich in these essential amino acids.
Eggs are also high in lutein which lowers the risk of cataracts
and macular degeneration, particularly among people living in
developing countries.
In the least developed countries, the projected increase in egg
consumption between 2005 and 2015 is 26 percent, compared
with only 2.4 percent in the most developed countries (Windhurst, 2008). Corresponding annual projections for poultry meat
are 2.9 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively (FAOSTATS).
Advantages of chicken meat and eggs
compared to other animal proteins
In developing countries, the diet of people living in cities usually
contains more animal protein than that of rural people, mainly
because urban people are more prosperous, but also because
they generally have access to a wider variety of foods at local markets. In low-income countries, commercially produced chicken
meat is well placed to satisfy the demands of a rapidly increasing
affluent, middle class who can afford to pay for broiler chickens.
Facilities and infrastructure for producing broiler chickens can be
established quickly and soon start generating. Not only is chicken
meat seen as a healthy meat, but it is also the cheapest of all
livestock meats.
A major advantage of eggs and poultry meat as human food is
that there are no major taboos on their consumption. In addition,
a chicken provides a meal for the average family without the need
for a refrigerator to store left-overs. Meat from other livestock