Biology, asked by nichu7751, 11 months ago

a fetal monitor is critical to check the infant's heart rate to keep updated on how the baby is doing and how he reacts to the mother's contractions"


Answered by vedika17

Trusted medical advice from the
American Academy of Family Physicians.
Monitoring Baby’s Heart Rate During Labor
Your baby’s heart rate is usually monitored during labor. This is called fetal heart rate monitoring. It is done to keep track of your baby’s heart rate. Your doctor uses special equipment to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. This helps the doctor detect problems with the baby if they develop. It also helps reassure the doctor and you that labor and delivery are going normally.

Path to improved health
Your doctor will want to monitor your baby during labor. The easiest way to do this is through fetal heart rate monitoring. He or she can see how your baby is handling contractions. It helps them make sure the baby is doing okay.

Your doctor can monitor the baby either externally or internally. Externally means the sensors that monitor the baby are outside of your body. Internally means the sensors are put inside your body. Most women are monitored externally. Internal monitoring can be used if there is cause for concern or the doctor needs more exact information.

External monitoring
The simplest form of monitoring is called auscultation. This is a method of listening to the baby’s heart rate periodically. Your doctor will use a special stethoscope or a device called a Doppler transducer. He or she will press the device against your abdomen to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. They will do this at set times during labor, such as every 30 minutes. If you are at risk of having problems or if problems develop during labor, you will be checked more often. Some women prefer auscultation because it gives them the freedom to move around during labor.

The most common form of monitoring is external electronic fetal monitoring. This is when sensors are strapped to your abdomen. The baby’s heart rate is monitored continuously. Instruments record both the baby’s heartbeat and your contractions. This helps your doctor see how your baby is responding to the contractions. The recording doesn’t stop. Your doctor can check it at set times and see how labor has been going overall. The sensors remain on your abdomen for all of labor. You usually need to stay in the bed most of the time.

Internal monitoring
In this method, an electrode attached to a wire is placed directly on the baby. This monitors the heartbeat. A sensor is strapped to your leg. The electrode is threaded through your cervix and into the uterus. There it is attached to your baby’s scalp. A small tube can also be inserted to measure contractions. The two can provide more accurate measurements of your baby’s heartbeat and your contractions.

This kind of monitoring is usually done if the external monitor isn’t picking up well. This could be because you are moving around a lot, or if you are obese. Your doctor may want a more accurate reading for other reasons. These could include risk factors or possible complications. This method can only be used if your cervix is dilating and your water has broken.

Pros and cons
Some women don’t want to be continuously monitored. You can’t move around with it. It takes away options for pain relief during labor, such as walking. Yet many doctors want you to do it. Your wishes could affect where you choose to have your baby. For example, you won’t have electronic fetal monitoring in birthing centers or at home. If you don’t want continuous monitoring, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

Fetal monitoring can sometimes detect a problem when there isn’t one. If it shows an irregularity, your doctor may decide your baby needs to be delivered sooner. He or she could recommend giving medicine to speed up labor. Or they could decide to use forceps or a vacuum-assisted delivery. But sometimes the irregularity could actually be indicating nothing. Then the baby is born sooner and with assistance for no reason.
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