English, asked by kankanabora, 8 months ago

A) Fill in the blanks spaces in the following sentences with either the indefinite the continuous form of the past tense of the verbs given at the end of each.
1)He .... the room and.... down in the chair.(cross, sit)
2)When the doctor arrived he realised that the old man... (die)
3)My grandmother was eighty years old when she... (die)
4)While the boy.... the streets a bus... him down. (cross, knock)
5)A little girl... a purse full of money on the road. (find)
6)When he... he... in the garden. (arrive, work)
7)He .... a lot of money for that ordinary picture. (pay)
8)A shot was fired at the train as it... the tunnel. (enter)
9)When he.... the room we... the matter (enter, discuss)
10)Two men.... at the table on our left(sit)
11)We... someone opening the door. (hear)
12)I.....him as he... the bus.(see, get off)
13)While I... it... still... (come, rain)
14)Chamberlain always.... an umbrella. (carry)
B) Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with either the past indefinite or the past perfect tense (whichever you think is correct) of the verb given at the end of each.
1)I....him before he... me.(see, saw)
2)When he... the money, he... if away. (count, put)
3)As soon as you...., I.... to see you again. (go, want)
4)He said he... her already. (see)
5)When Jaiswal... to Assam in 1936,he .... already.... to speak Assamese well. (come, learn)​


Answered by ankaja90


  1. crossed, sat
  2. died
  3. died
  4. was crossing, knocked
  5. found
  6. arrived, was working ( may be two pronounce of he is detecting two other people)
  7. paid
  8. entered
  9. entered, were discussing
  10. sat
  11. heard
  12. saw, got off
  13. came, was raining
  14. carries
  • B)
  1. had seen, saw
  2. counted, put
  3. had gone, wanted
  4. had seen
  5. came, had... learnt..





please follow me for more answers.

thank you.

Answered by chairmanhrahman


when jaiswal ...to Assam in 1936, he already...to speak Assamese well.( come, learn)

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