a formula to add values in A1 and A2 cells (format)?
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Excel Formulas
To sum the same range in one or more sheets, we can use the function with a special syntax called a .
To add values in and cells, the formula is:
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Some formulas in execl spreadsheet.
Sum two numbers:
- =SUM(number1+number2)
Subtraction two numbers:
- =number1-number2
Multiplication two numbers:
- =number1*number2
- =MAX(select the number)
- =MIN(select the number)
- =Total number/Total subject number
Sum by month ignore year:
- =SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(dates)=month)*amounts)
Count cell between dates:
- =COUNTIES(range, ">=&date1, range, "<="&date2)
Count cell between two numbers:
- =COUNTIES(range, ">=X", range, "<=Y")
Count cell equal to one of many things:
- =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(rng,things))
Count cell equal to case sensitive:
- SUMPRODUCT((-- EXACT(value,range,D3)))
3D sum multiple worksheets:
- =SUM(Sheet1:Sheet3!A1)
3D SUMIF for multiple worksheets:
- =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT("'"&sheets&"'!"&"rng"),criteria,INDIRECT("'"&sheets&"'!"&"sumrng")))
Subtotal by color:
- =SUMIF(color_range,criteria,number_range)
Minimum value if:
- {=MIN(IF(range=criteria,values))}
Strip html from text or numbers:
- =MID(text,start,LEN(text)-markup_len)
Summary count with percentage breakdown:
- =COUNTIF(range,criteria)/COUNTA(range)
Large with criteria:
- {=LARGE(IF(range=criteria,values),n)}
Win loss points calculation:
- =VLOOKUP(result,points_table,2,0)
Map text to numbers:
- =VLOOKUP(text,lookup_table,2,0)
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