a formula with symbol which is follow by cell reference and operators
it is a range operator that allows you to make one reference for multiple cells .
There are 3 Reference Operators in Excel:
“:” (colon) is the Range operator, which produces one reference to all the cells between two cells references, including the cells written in the reference text, like: A11:A13
“,” (comma) is the Union operator, which combines multiple Ranges into one reference, like A11:A13 , A11:C11 , A11 (you can refer to simple cells too, not only to ranges with multiple cells)
” ” (space) is the Intersection operator, which returns a reference to the cell or to the range of cells found at the intersection of the ranges. In this example, only cell A11 is found in both ranges: A11:A13 A11:C11
Because only practicing the methods described in this article will consolidate your knowledge, you can download a sample workbook to play with the methods described in this article.
Download Sample File: Excel Reference Operators.xlsx
Before diving into details, let me clarify a few terms used in this article:
– A Range can contain one or more worksheet cells. A range can be a contiguous range, when all the cells are contained in a rectangle. A non – contiguous Range will contain multiple rectangles, even single cells.
Contiguous range sample reference: A10:D18 (refer to the image below)
Non – Contiguous range sample reference: G10:G15, I10:I12, K14:L18, I17, G21:J22 (this reference contains 5 ranges, combined using the Union Operator – “,” , refer to the image below)
Contiguous and Non - Contiguous Ranges