English, asked by rohitobl6, 9 months ago

a fullfull moon occurs every month but aneclipse is a event​


Answered by Anonymous



The phase known as New Moon can not actually be seen because the illuminated side of the Moon is then pointed away from Earth. The rest of the phases are familiar to all of us as the Moon cycles through them month after month. Did you realize that the word month is derived from the Moon's 29.5 day period?Many early civilizations used the Moon's monthly cycle to measure the passage of time. In fact, some calendars are synchronized to the phases of the Moon. The Hebrew, Muslim and Chinese calendars are all lunar calendars. The New Moon phase is uniquely recognized as the beginning of each calendar month just as it is the beginning on the Moon's monthly cycle. In comparison, the Full Moon phase occurs mid-way through the lunar month.


I hope this helps you.....

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