-A future without littered plastic waste and single use plastic items-through sustainability and circularity.
Plastic is a miracle material. Thanks to plastics, countless lives have
been saved in the health sector, the growth of clean energy from wind
turbines and solar panels has been greatly facilitated, and safe food
storage has been revolutionized.
But what makes plastic so convenient in our day-to-day lives – it’s
cheap – also makes it ubiquitous, resulting in one of our planet’s
greatest environmental challenges. Our oceans have been used as a
dumping ground, choking marine life and transforming some marine
areas into a plastic soup. In cities around the world, plastic waste clogs
drains, causing floods and breeding disease. Consumed by livestock,
it also finds its way into the food chain.
Plastic packaging accounts for nearly half of all plastic waste globally,
and much of it is thrown away within just a few minutes of its first
use. Much plastic may be single-use, but that does not mean it is
easily disposable. When discarded in landfills or in the environment,
plastic can take up to a thousand years to decompose.