Physics, asked by shashankavsthi, 1 year ago

A galvanometer having 50 divisions provided with a variable shunt S used to measure the current as ammeter when connected in series with a resistance of 90 ohm and a battery of internal resistance 10 ohm, it is observed that when the shunt resistance are 10 and 50 ohm, the deflection are respectively 9 and 30 divisions. what is the resistance of the galvanometer? Further if the full scale deflection of the galvanometer movement is 300mA,find emf of the cell.


Answered by Anonymous
hope it helps...................

shashankavsthi: answer is 233.3ohms and 144V
Answered by Anonymous
Let the emf of the battery is E and resistance of galvanometer is r then,

According to question 




Divide first by second


From here you will get value of r

r= −2.43 and −58.81 or



For these r there is two possible battery put the value of r in to equation 1 we getE=5mV an 1.8mV respectively for the resistances.

shashankavsthi: r=233.3 ohm and emf =144
shashankavsthi: bcoz answwr is not matching that's why incorrect
shashankavsthi: his answer is also incorrect
shashankavsthi: u have any other answer?
shashankavsthi: koi nii then let others to do it bcoz i need its answer and i don't know how to do it.
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