Computer Science, asked by TheBrainyme, 7 months ago

A game of throwing dice is played between two players. Each player throws a dice unless his/her score adds up to 20. The player getting score 20 in the minimum number of throws is declared the winner. Define a class Game with the following specifications:

Data Members: Name, player number

Member methods:

i) To accept the details of the player

ii) To compute the number of tries by each player to get score 20

iii) To display the result

Write a main method to create an object of a class and call the above member methods.​


Answered by varadanrajan5179

Python program for an automatic rolling dice game.

Note: Due to some issues, we have placed ^ in place of the letter 'n' in the ra^dint. Please replace all the ^ with the letter 'n' in this program. Thank you!


import random



while(p1<20 and p2<20):


  print("Player A rolling dice... The value is",a)



  print("Player B rolling dice... The value is",b)


  if p1>=20 and p2>=20:

      print("Match draw!")


  elif p1>=20:

      print("The winner is Player A")


  elif p2>=20:

      print("The winner is Player B")



Player A rolling dice... The value is 6

Player B rolling dice... The value is 2

Player A rolling dice... The value is 6

Player B rolling dice... The value is 2

Player A rolling dice... The value is 3

Player B rolling dice... The value is 2

Player A rolling dice... The value is 3

Player B rolling dice... The value is 4

Player A rolling dice... The value is 2

Player B rolling dice... The value is 1

The winner is Player A

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