Chemistry, asked by tejashadge2005, 9 months ago

A garden centre sells a simple soil testing kit. It consists of a tube containing a small amount of White salt and an instruction card.
a)How was the colour produced in the tube
b)What scale do scientists use to measure acidity and alkanity
c)Give name of one substance that will remove acidity of soil


Answered by kunalsinha26


Place equal amounts into two separate containers. Add one-half cup of vinegar to the soil and check for a reaction. If the soil fizzes, your soil is likely alkaline and has a pH level of 7-8. If, however, it doesn't fizz, combine the soil in the other container with distilled water and one-half cup of baking soda.

b)pH scale

The pH scale is used to measure acidity and alkalinity: solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic.

c)The most common way to raise the pH of soil is to add pulverized limestone to the soil. Limestone acts as a soil acid neutralizer and consists of either calcium and magnesium carbonate or calcium carbonate. These are called dolomitic limestone and calcitic limestone respectively

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