Math, asked by Anonymous, 2 months ago

A Gardener has 40 m of fencing to make 3 equal rectangular plots. The Total area of the plots are 30m2. Determine the Constraints on the Dimensions of the recatngles and find the dimensions of each triangle


Answered by yokeshps2005


Since we know we only have 80 feet of fence available, we know that ... We know the area of a rectangle is length multiplied by width

Answered by niharikagurjar2005


we label the dimensions of each rectangle as x and y, then each rectangle has an area of xy and a perimeter of 2x + 2y.

The total area of the three rectangles is 30, so 3xy = 30

The total fencing for the three rectangles gives our other equation 3(2x + 2y) = 40

Now we have a system of equations that we can solve.

(1) 3xy = 30

(2) 3(2x + 2y) = 40

Simplifying each equation gives

(1) xy = 10

(2) 6x + 6y = 40

Solving equation (2) for y gives

y = 20/3 - x

Substitute this expression for y into equation (1) to get

x(20/3 - x) = 10

Put this quadratic in standard form to get

x2 - (20/3)x + 10 = 0

Use the quadratic formula with a = 1, b = -20/3 and c = 10 to get your answers

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Andy C. answered • 03/14/18

TUTOR 4.9 (27)

Math/Physics Tutor


Here are the two main equations:

3 * perimeter = 40

3 * area = 30


3 * perimeter = 40

3 * (2L + 2w) = 40

3*2*(L+w) = 40

3*(L+w) = 20

L+w = 20/3

w = 20/3 - L <--- this is the first equation


3*Area = 30

Area = 30/3 = 10

L * w = 10 <---- this is the second equation


L * (20/3 - L) = 10 <--- substitutes first equation into the second equation

L * (3L - 20) = -30 <---- multiplies everything by -3 to clear away the fraction

and changes the signs

3L^2 - 20L + 30 = 0 <---- adds 30 to both sides

L = [20 +or- sqrt( (-20)^2 - 4(3)(30 ) ] / (2*3) <--- quadratic formula with A=3, B= -20, C = 30

L = [ 20 +or- sqrt( 400 - 360) ]/ 6

L = [ 20 +or- sqrt( 40) ]/6

L = [ 20 +or- sqrt(4*10)]/ 6

L = [ 20 +or- sqrt(4)*sqrt(10)]/6

L = [ 20 +or- 2*sqrt(10)]/6

L = [ 20 +or- 2 * sqrt(10)]/6

L = [ 10 +or- sqrt(10)]/3

For the positive branch of the solution:

which is approximately 4.38742588672.... or the latter number you have given as the answer.

The width is the area/length = 10 / [( 10 + sqrt(10)/3]

= 30 / [ 10 + sqrt(10)]

= 30 ( 10 - sqrt(10)) / [ 10 + sqrt(10][10 - sqrt(10]) <--- rationalizes the denominator

= 30 ( 10 - sqrt(10)) / [ 100 - 10 ]

= 30 ( 10 - sqrt(10))/ 90

= ( 10 - sqrt(10) ) / 3

which is approximately 2.279241 or the former number you have listed as the answer

For the negative branch:

L = [ 10 - sqrt(10)]/3 which is the former number you have given as the answer, as just shown in hte above line.

The width in this case is 10/ [( 10 - sqrt(10))/3] =

30 / [ 10 - sqrt(10)] =

30 [ 10 + sqrt(10)] / [ 10 - sqrt(10)][10 + sqrt(10)]

30 [ 10 + sqrt(10)] / [ 100 - 10]

30 [ 10 + sqrt(10)] / 90

[ 10 + sqrt(10) ]/3 which was the original value for length as shown above in bold, the

latter value you have listed as the answer.


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