a gardner wanted to grow Bryophyllum plant in his garden. Suggest two ways
he must follow to grow the plant.
Starting Bryophyllum Daigremontianum Plants
Mother-of-thousands propagates best from leaf cuttings, according to the Illinois Extension. Choose a leaf that is 2 to 4 inches in length. Wear gloves to protect your skin, and slice off the leaf using a craft blade. Set the leaf on a sheet of newspaper in a dark, dry place for a few days until the cut-end dries out. Callusing or drying the leaf cutting will help keep it from rotting during the rooting process.
Fill a 6-inch plastic pot with a moistened mix of half sterile compost and half perlite. Stick the cut end of the leaf cutting into the growing mixture until the bottom half of the leaf is completely buried. Cover the pot loosely with a large plastic bag, and set it in a bright location out of direct sunlight. Mother-of-thousands leaf cuttings rot easily when overwatered, so add water only when the soil feels dry beneath the surface. Check for roots starting in four to six weeks.