a goldsmith brought hundred gram of gold for rupees 54000 from a wholesaler he then sold it at a gain of 10% calculate first the SP of 10 gram of gold for the goldsmith second the SP of 10 gram of gold for the wholesaler if his profit is 8%
please follow me please please

cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+5400
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+540059400
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+540059400sp of 10 g=59400×10/100
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+540059400sp of 10 g=59400×10/100₹5940
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+540059400sp of 10 g=59400×10/100₹5940cp 10 g of gold for the wholesaler if his profit is 8% = 54000×100/100+8
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+540059400sp of 10 g=59400×10/100₹5940cp 10 g of gold for the wholesaler if his profit is 8% = 54000×100/100+854000×100/108=50000
cp of 10g of gold for the goldsmith =54000×10/100c.p.= 54000+540059400sp of 10 g=59400×10/100₹5940cp 10 g of gold for the wholesaler if his profit is 8% = 54000×100/100+854000×100/108=50000hope it will help you mark as brainlist answer plz