English, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

a good argumentative essay over city life vs countryside ​


Answered by Anonymous


In the city there are more jobs than in the countryside. In the cities are also more shops. For me, countryside is better than the city because there is calm and clean air. The access for food in the city is more easier , but in the countryside the food is more natural and healthy.There are numerous of reasons why living in countryside is the better than the city. The scenery, the streets, the people and the paced are totally different compare to the city. The first outstanding characteristic about the countryside is that it is beautiful and peaceful. The air is fresh and the surroundings green.

Hope it's help uh ❤️

Answered by abhinav979verma


Country Life Essay

898 Words4 Pages

Born and raised in the city, I often wonder how different my life would be had I been raised in the country. Imagine having to choose to reside in one place for the rest of your life. Which would you opt for? Some people would argue that the hyperactive lifestyle that a big city has to offer has more benefits. However, others would contend that the calm and peaceful environment of the countryside is much more rewarding. Several people move from the city to a farm to get away from the hustle and bustle. Likewise, farmers have traded in their tractors and animals to live a fast paced city life. Of course, not all large cities are the same nor are all of the places in the country identical. Realizing this, ten years ago, I decided…show more content…

People who live in the city are like bees. They are precipitous and bustling. Because a vast majority of Americans pack themselves into our major cities, there are a lot more activities in the city: shopping malls and restaurants galore, thrift stores, libraries, and concert venues, just to name a few. Obviously, to get the most out of city life, you need to be able to afford it. Living in a large city is often more expensive and it is not always easy to afford to do everything that is available. But, because there is always something to do in the city, traffic can be grueling. Higher traffic volumes lead to noise and air pollution as well as an irate and eminently tense population. Crowds and traffic stimulates an angry, less friendly, persona. As a result of greater demand of city dwellers, housing is more expensive. Not only is housing more costly, but the space between neighbors is minimal in the city. I have seen houses in the city so close together that it looks like you could shake hands with your neighbor through the bedroom windows. You may think that having closer neighbors may have some benefits, but most city dwellers don’t even know their neighbor’s name. Meanwhile, life in the country differs greatly from life in the city. Country nights are quiet and the expansive sky bounteous with brilliant stars that seem brighter than those in the city. The clean, evening air is permeated with the sounds of katydids, crickets,

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Comparison Between City Life and Country Life

1045 Words | 5 Pages

Essay question: city life and country life Final draft Everyone has a different lifestyle. People sometimes have to decide where they want to live. Some people prefer to live in the city while other people choose to live in the countryside. Their choice depends upon their bachground. City lifestyle and country lifestyle are two different types of living. Although, these two types of living differ from each other by environment, job opportunities and cost of living; they also have similar features

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