English, asked by miyah123, 6 months ago

A good character makes stories come to life. He can feel like our friend. She can make us laugh by what she does. We may also dislike them! We want to read more when there are good characters in a story. What makes a good character? Description! In this lesson you are going to create your own good character. You will use this character later in the unit as part of a story. When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to: OBJECTIVES Use descriptive language to create a character. Use sensory imagery to describe the character in descriptive writing. VOCABULARY adjective a word that describes a noun (person, place, or thing); examples are “shiny,” “red,” or “tall” describe words that create a mental picture of a person, place, or thing. sensory language words that create mental pictures using the five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) Vocab Arcade Creating a Character You are going to be creating a character. You will do this by using describing words to tell what the character looks like and how he or she talks or behaves. You will also describe the character's thoughts and feelings. In this assignment, you will write one paragraph describing this character. The first step in writing about a character is gathering your ideas and organizing them. Think about a character that would be fun to write about. Your character may be based on someone you know or may be fictional. Use the following questions to get you thinking about your character. Physical Appearance What does your character look like? Is he tall? Is she a person? It may be helpful to draw a picture of your character. Speech and Behavior Now, think about the way your character would talk. Does she have an accent? Does he have a special word or phrase that he uses? Does she speak slowly or quickly? Thoughts and Feelings Is your character someone who is very smart? What does she think about the situation she is in? How is he feeling today? Is she excited, tired, happy, confused? Complete the Character Plan organizer to describe your character. Use descriptive adjectives or sensory language in each box. Make sure we can “see” the same picture of the character you have in your head in ours. Write About Your Character You are going to take your character plan and write one paragraph describing your character. You will want to give your character a name. Make sure to include a topic sentence and at least four supporting detail sentences. Use lots of adjectives and sensory language. Your character should come to life in your paragraph! Caution! Do not write a story about your character yet. You will do this in a lesson later in the unit. Proofread and Revise When you are finished with your paragraph, be sure to proofread your work. You may want to read your paragraph to a friend to make sure you haven't left out any important details and that your sentences in your paragraph flow smoothly. Clean up any spelling and grammar mistakes and compare your work to the rubric before writing your final draft.


Answered by 2021rubiicds1


This is the big ouestion but answer is small okk

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