a good story in 150 to 200 words
It was a cold, foggy morning, and Julie was in no mood to take her dog, Snoopy, out for a walk in the bitter cold. Snoopy himself seemed reluctant to leave his bed near the fireplace. Julie got up and sat with Snoopy near the window of their house, soaking in the warm sunlight. Suddenly, she heard some commotion outside her front door, and hurriedly went to see what it was. As she opened the door, a young, scruffy looking man started running, with the milk bottles he had stolen from her front porch. Snoopy took after the man, ignoring the bitter cold, while Julie ran after them, still in her night robe and slippers. Snoopy tripped two newspaper boys and overturned a garbage can as he pursued the fleeing thief. As Julie turned a corner, she saw the thief slip on the hard ice, milk bottles flying, as Snoopy leaped and caught one of them in his mouth. The thief got away, but Snoopy came back happily, his tail wagging, to return the bottle to an exhausted Julie, expecting his breakfast.
one more story i would like to add
I saw a small boy standing in the woods and crying. His dear tree had been felled. He was inconsolable. For that little boy it was not just a tree. It was like a friend he would rush to everyday after school, a friend who would hide him from those nasty bullies, a friend who always had sweet fruits for him, and a friend who would wrap him in a warm embrace and put him to sleep. “This is murder”, he screamed as I tried to console him. He said he would avenge the murder, he kept saying he would.
I had then laughed at his innocence and dismissed it as a childish whim. But today thirty years later as I sit in the audience and listen to the same little boy, now all grown up speak about conservation of environment I know he still remembers his tree, his friend. As the audience broke into a thunderous applause after his speech, I felt he had now avenged his dear friend.
hope it helps you
This is the story of two friends tortoise and hare. Both the tortoise and hare were fast friends. Wherever they went, they went together. The only difference between them was that tortoise had a slow speed while the hare had a fast speed. Sometimes they both started to work or to go somewhere at same time but due to his slow speed, the tortoise was always late while the hare did the work at a fast speed. Thus, the hare sometimes made fun of his friend tortoise but the tortoise neglected the hare's attitude. Inspite of being fast friends, they sometimes had petty issues over their speed. The Tortoise told his friend that slow speed is not a curse but a boon but the hare never stopped himself from making fun of his friend. One day the Tortoise got frustrated and threw a bold challenge to the hare to have a race. It was decided that one who reached the river bank first would be the winner. They selected their referee and at a fixed time the race started. The hare ran at a fast speed and was miles ahead of the tortoise. He turned back and saw that his friend tortoise was not visible far and wide. Then he decided to have a rest because according to him, the tortoise would take a long time to reach him. He was over confidant of his winning so he lay down and fell asleep. The tortoise continued walking. On his way, he saw the hare sleeping but he didn't stop and he reached the river bank. When the hare got up, he looked around for the tortoise. Then he started his race at a double speed but found that the tortoise had already reached the river bank. In this way tortoise won the race.