A great deal of talent is lost in the world for the want of a little courage.(Expand this idea,250 words)
The world possesses unlimited talent which can turn this world into paradise. Talent exists at every level. In other words, talent is available at domestic, national and international levels. But unfortunately the talent remains untapped for various reasons.
Starting with the domestic level, all of us observe that talent is wasted in families. In a typical Pakistani family, we experience wastage of talent due to poverty. The family possesses talent but due to lack of resources, the children are not nourished as well as educated well. It is possible that the children of the poor family could contribute to well being of their family and to their country but due to poverty the talent is not utilized properly.
Talent is also wasted at national level due to various reasons such as corruption, poverty, terrorism etc. Pakistan is rich with talent. Talent is available at every level of the country but its talent remains useless. Our country does not have a well reputed research institute. If such institutes were available in the country, the national talent could contribute to the progress of the country through such institutions.
Talent can also be utilized at world level and such utilization can lead to better efficiency of the world resources. But multifarious hindrances prevent close cooperation for the best utilization of the resources. The world is divided into countries and every country is limited to its own boundaries. Some parts or countries of the world best utilize their resources while other lag behind in such utilization.
Talent can be best channelized at all levels. At domestic level, parents should properly concentrate on their children. Children should not be produced or born in excess of income and resources of the family concerned. At national level, talent can best be tapped after removal of various hindrances and providing for educational and research institutions. Lastly world resources can be best utilized for betterment of the man by close cooperation of the countries.