Math, asked by ah249394, 8 months ago

A hall has a certain number of chairs. Guests want to sit in different groups like in pairs, triplets, quadruplets, fives and sixes etc. When organizer arranges chairs in such pattern like in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s 5’s and 6’s then 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 chairs are left respectively. But when he arranges in 11's, no chair will be left.​


Answered by abinasherin10thb


As there are 10 pattern of chairs and only 8 pattern of tables then we can make only 8 pairs of table and chair.

Take a table to pair up with chair. As there are 10 chairs ,we have 10 choices for this table to make 10 pairs. Now take another table but as we have already made pair with first table, we have only 9 choices to make pairs with. So for this two tables possible ways for pairs are 10 * 9 = 90 (For first table ,any choice of chair we make there will be always 9 other chairs to pair up with second table and there are 10 choices for first table)

For 8 table there will be

10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3 = 1814400

we stopped at 3 because there are only 10 chairs and as there are 8 tables,for last table there will be only (10- 7= 3) chairs left to choose as 7 table tables are already paired up.

Hence the answer is 1814400

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helped

Answered by geetanshumittal894

Step-by-step explanation:

539. is the answer to the following questions

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