Art, asked by 0sandeepraj0, 1 month ago

A hexagonal lamina of sides 25mm rests on one of its cornerson VPandtheother end of the diagonalpassingthroughthecorneronwhich it rests is 30 mm infront of VP. Draw the projections of the lamina if the diagonalpassingthroughthecorneronwhich it restsappears to be inclined at 300 to HP.


Answered by sabbiralam45567


Projections ofPlanes1. (1)An equilateral triangular lamina of 25 mm sides lies with one of its edges on HP such that thesurface of the lamina is inclined to HP at 60 deg. The edge on which it rests is inclined to VP at 60deg. Draw its projections.

Girish HanumaiahPage2 (4)A Triangular plane figure of sides 25 mm is resting on HP with one of its corners, such that thesurface of the lamina makes an angle of 60 deg. with HP. If the side opposite to the corner on whichthe lamina rests makes an angle of 30 deg. with VP. Draw the top and front views in this position.Solution:XYVPHPabc(a')c'a'b'c'21b'60°25cbacba30°(a') b'c'

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