English, asked by ssatender4318, 10 months ago

A holiday I enjoyed 150 words


Answered by cutebabe6666
Ello ✌️♥️♥️

Holidays hold immense importance in a person’s life. Be it a student, a working professional or a businessman – everyone wants a break from their work. Holidays provide this much awaited break. They are also important for many other reasons.

Importance of Holidays for Students

Holidays are a time when we can finally take a break from our otherwise hectic routine and follow our hobbies and interests. I always make it a point to join a hobby course during holidays. I love art and craft and thus join different art and craft classes to hone my skills in the same. Last year, I joined glass painting classes, prior to that I joined pottery classes and this year I am planning to learn the art of candle making. My friends also join different classes as per their interest. Some of them join dance classes, others join vocal/ instrumental music while yet others join sports such as skating, swimming and basket ball.

Holidays are also a time when we can socialise with friends and relatives and spend time with our family. I love family outings. We plan at least one family trip during summer vacations. I am also allowed to go over to my friends place to spend the day every once in a while. I also love the time when my cousins come over to stay at my place. Those days are particularly the best part of the summer vacations.

Most importantly, holidays are a time when we can relax and understand how to improve our skills to perform better in our exams as well as other activities. I make sure that I set aside at least 2-3 hours a day to study during the vacations. This helps me keep pace with my studies as I join back.

Importance of Holidays for Working People

Working professionals and businessmen also yearn for holidays. But they do not get long vacations like the school and college going kids. However, whatever little break they get they must make the most of it by indulging in the activity of their choice.

Working professionals mostly have long working hours these days. Many people even require working after they get back home from their work place. This hectic professional life often takes a toll on their personal life. They are hardly able to spend any time with their family members and this result in conflicts and strained relationships. Holidays give them an opportunity to spend time with their family to strengthen the bond. It is a good idea to plan a family vacation. Socialising is also very important and this can also be done during holidays as the hectic work routine does not allow any room for it during the regular days. It is a good time to meet one’s friends and relatives. Holidays are also a time to relax and focus on one’s physical as well as mental health.



My First Holiday with School Friends

Until 5th grade my parents did not allow me to go for school trips but as I entered my 6th grade I got this chance. My school had organized a three day trip to Shimla during the summer vacations. Many of my friends filled the consent to go for the trip. I wanted to go to but feared that my parents would not agree. At first, I thought there was no point even asking because their answer would only be no but my friends insisted I should.

I still remember how I hesitantly handed over the consent form for the trip to my father and began telling him about the details of the trip. I also told him that many of my classmates are going for it and that I also wanted to go. Initially, he refused as he felt I was too young to go out without their supervision. It took me around 2 days to convince my mother to allow me to go for the trip and she in turn convinced my father for the same. I was finally glad and super excited about the trip. I promised them that I will not talk to strangers, always move with the group and be careful with everything during the trip.

We travelled from Delhi to Kalka in train and then took a bus to reach Shimla. We reached our hotel in the afternoon. The first day we went to the mall road. The weather was pleasant and the place was amazing. I had been to various hill stations earlier as well but this place had something very refreshing about it. The company of friends made it all the more amazing. We roam around on the mall road and had planned to have dinner in a restaurant on our way back to the hotel but could not resist the smell of freshly steamed momos. They were super delicious and we ate so many of them that there was no room for dinner.

Hope it's helps you
Answered by rayacrescent

Answer:I really needed to relax myself. This vacation was a boon to me as I was able to enjoy as well as learn something new. My grandparents took me on a trip to kerala for three days ..... It was the first time i went thereAfter that, I enrolled for computer classes for 4 days. I was taught about how to use adobe Photoshop and other related tools. The classes were very interesting. ...

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