a) How is a monarchy different from a democracy? List any two differences
b) Give one example of a conflict and the steps that the government can take to resolve
c) What is a government? Why do we need a government?
The major Differences between Democracy and Monarchy are:
Democracy Monarchy
When a country is ruled by a Government elected by its people through elections, then it called a Democracy When a country is ruled by Kings and Queens, when the right to rule a country is passed through dynasty and not through elections,then it is called monarchy.
The elected representatives makes the laws, rules and regulations on behalf of the people, for the welfare of the people The laws are framed by the Kings and Queens. People have no say in the formulation of laws.
The elected representatives are held accountable by the people of the country. Hence elections are held and representatives lose their right to rule, if they do not meet the expectations of the people The Kings and Queens have no accountability. People do not have the power to remove Kings and Queens from power if they are dissatisfied with their rulings.
People have the freedom to give their feedback on policies, have the option to bring about changes in the policies and they have the right to condemn the Government. People do not have the right to condemn the Monarchy.
People does not face oppression from a democratically elected Government People may face oppression, if the ruler is a tyrant.
People are considered equal in a democracy In a Monarchy people are not considered as equals.
Concept of Democracy originated in Greece. Athenian Democracy is often described as the first known democracy in the world. Monarchy was prevalent in the Medieval and Ancient times and still continues in a few countries.
Generally the 2 types of democracies are Direct democracy and representative form of democracy. Currently there are different types of monarchies – absolute monarchy, semi-constitutional monarchy, constitutional monarchy, subnational monarchy, commonwealth realms.
Some of the examples of democracy are India, USA, France etc. Currently some of the examples of Monarchy are Middle East countries like the United Arab Emirate (UAE) and Saudi Arabia.
These are the main differences between Democracy and Monarchy.The differences given in the above table can help the UPSC Civil Service Exam aspirants to answer any questions easily on topics related to Democracy Vs Monarchy.
After learning about the Democracy and Monarchy difference, it is better to know the details of Presidential and Parliamentary form of Government, Role of Civil Services in a Democracy, differences between Indian Government and US Government thoroughly. Also check the History Syllabus for UPSC Prelims exam and most importantly study the Indian Polity Notes. Visit the below given links to learn about Role of civil services in a democracy, differences between Indian Government and US Government, Presidential and Parliamentary form of Government, Indian Polity Notes and History Syllabus for UPSC prelims exam.