A humorous essay on "The day the earh really became flat"
Our earth is a spherical solid body mass which is revolving and rotating around the sun.
But on the day when earth get really flat,we will no longer able to see the north and south pole.
The lunar and solar eclipses will be extincted completely from that day.
And most importantly the ocean water will start spilling out from the edges of the flat earth's surface.
things that we take granted every day would not work.
Gravity would not work
We would have to accept that the moon which we can see with our naked eyes is round, and all the other planets and moons you can see with a typical telescope and see rotate and orbit are completely different than Earth…why would Earth work on a completely different principle than all other heavenly bodies we can observe
Satellites that we use for study and communications are not real
GPS can not work, although it accurately shows us our position, speed, direction, etc as we drive
Geostationary satellites that we aim our TV & internet dishes at are being held up by what
Ships going out to sea do not fall below the horizon though we can clearly see they do
At night, as you watch satellites passing steadily from horizon to horizon are not
When you are up in a jetliner, the curve of the horizon must be some kind of optical illusion
Airliners flying in the southern hemisphere do not take longer to fly the flat earth’s longer distances, nor do they fly over or crash into an ice wall
When time lapse photographing the night sky, the North Star is stationary while the other