A. In this way, if we look at the whole world of education and literature, we find that necessity has been
the mother of invention.
B. As human knowledge began to grow, it became necessary to store it.
C. Gradually, paper was invented.
D. Then, printing machines were invented to cope with the increasing demands for books.
E. Man began to record it on leaves and the bark of trees.
E. This invention also led to the invention of other branches of literature.
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becdfa is the answer.
becdfa is the answer..
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The correct order in which these sentences must be placed to make a coherent paragraph is- BECDFA.
The passage is talking about how the invention of the paper was important. And in the end, the writer is trying to emphasize the importance of invention. The passage is trying to hint at how important invention has always been with the growing needs of humans.
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