A jackal falls into a dye’s tub ……………gets coloured yellow
……………..an idea……………..announces himself king of forest
……………animals respect……………jackal insults them …………….
worried animal………….hold a meeting …………….starts howling
………………identified …………..cannot resist ……………truth comes
out……………..animals kill him.
The fall of the jackal
A jackal falls into a dye's tub and is colored yellow. He was very sad about this, then he got an idea that in spite of feeling bad about this he can take benefit from that. He went to the jungle and announced himself to be the king of the forest.
All the animals started to give respect to him out of fear and did as the jackal would order them. All the animals planned and held a meeting on the full moon night so as to find any way to get rid of the new king.
They heard the jackals howling from a distinct place and then noticed that their king also started to howl in their response. The animals killed him in anger and because of the harsh treatment given to them.