A Journey to my dream land please write story writing only
I was just imagining what it would be like to be in the best place in the world, my dreamland.
I am sitting in the sand, in front of me a vast sea. The song of the waves hitting the shore. The breeze touching me gently. I can hear the noise of the people around, but it is lost in the sea, even with that noise I can feel at peace.
I raise my gaze and see the clear blue sky, with few white cotton candy clouds. I can see the swaying Palm Trees, waving at me, I feel welcomed. I wait for the sunset and the horizon changing to a beautiful color. My eyes absorbing all that is for the nature to offer.
I wait for some more time after the sunset and I can feel the cool air around me. I get up and make my way back to home with all that beauty. What a day.
Well its my dreamland, there must be a variety of choice, so I wait for another day.
Another day, another evening, I leave my home for another wonderland nearby.
It is totally different experience with tress on both sides of the road, driving is heavenly. I can see the mountains and hills around, I look far ahead and its all hills and greenery ahead. I come to my destination. I sit on a large stone nearby. I look around and I feel in heaven again. Its all green paddy fields, some birds flying around. Far away I can see bigger trees and coconut trees. There is a small stream of clear water flowing nearby, I resist myself to walk into that stream. But I can imagine the cold water touching my feet, I close my eyes, taking in all those sensations. I can feel the peace and tranquility and no wonder I can see a temple around, people are moving and am still at peace.
I drive further and I see a river flowing. I want to experience the river too, I stop my car and walk near the river. Standing on the bank of river I watch a boat sailing. I can see some people fishing, I cannot resist myself from imagining dishes made out of that fresh fish, I am drooling.
I want to talk to these people in my wonderland. I go closer to them, seeing me I can hear them say hello in their own style. I am immediately welcomed there. The people are so friendly. I take their leave and they offer me some fish to take back home. I wonder about their hospitality.
Another wonderful day in my dreamland, well it is not over yet. The night had set in, darkness everywhere as I drive back home, I see some people gathered around and fire, I stop there and go closer, well its bonfire. I can hear the music and people singing in their own language and style, unique. I want to sing along with them, but I resist the temptation lest I wake up from my dream. My dreamland with unique and rich culture and traditions.
It is getting late I have to get back to my home.
Let me add more life to my dreamland, its my dreamland right?
How about wildlife? Another day and the drive to the forest. I want to experience the wild life too. Driving through the forrest is an adventure itself. What if an elephant comes along? No problem, its my dreamland, I can easily escape it and enjoy rest of the wildlife. After a while in the forest it seems tiring.
What does the tired soul needs? A drink. My dreamland but it is still the modern era. On my way back I decide to go to a pub. I want the city nightlife in my dreamland where I can have a quiet drink and relax and enjoy the dance and music. Night feels young.
I am wondering is this a fantastic lazy laidback life or is this THE life?
I wonder if such place can exist. I wonder in my wonderland.
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