A. Let your syringe suck water from the cup up to 30mL.
Q1: Cover tightly the tip of the syringe with your thumb, Can you push the plunger?_____
B. Transfer the 30mL water from the plastic syringe to a transparent glass.
Q2: Is the shape of water changed ?_____
C. Place a silver spoon in an empty cup, then, transfer it to the plate.
Q3: does the shape of the spoon change?_______
Closure: The air inside the syringe is compressed from 30 mL to 15 ml. The
water flow as you transfer it from syringe to a transparent glass, then take the
shape of the glass. The shape of spoon was not changed. Are the particles of
matter moving? What is in between there?__________
1)No we cant push it
2)No it will not change
3)Yes it will change
4)transportation is there
A1: No, you cannot push the plunger when the tip of the syringe is covered tightly with your thumb because the air inside the syringe is trapped and cannot escape, creating a vacuum.
B2: No, the shape of water does not change when transferred from the plastic syringe to a transparent glass because liquids take the shape of their container.
C3: No, the shape of the spoon does not change when placed in an empty cup and then transferred to a plate because solids have a fixed shape and volume.
Particles of matter are always in motion. In between the particles of matter, there is empty space or gaps, which are filled with an invisible force of attraction called intermolecular forces. These forces hold the particles of matter together and determine their state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas).