Math, asked by shreyaschinchole2000, 5 days ago

A line is represented by end points P(5,7,2) and ((-4, 6, 3) if u at P and Q is 0
and 1 respectively determine its parametric equation, Tangent vector and unit
vector in direction of line. Also find out the coordinates of points represented
by u=0.4.11​


Answered by mishkapansari3

Step-by-step explanation:

line is represented by end points P(5,7,2) and ((-4, 6, 3) if u at P and Q is 0

and 1 respectively determine its parametric equation, Tangent vector and unit

vector in direction of line. Also find out the coordinates of points represented

by u=0.4.11

Answered by steffiaspinno

Let's start by looking at what it implies when two vectors are parallel. Parallel vectors must have the same or opposite directions, as previously stated.

Step-by-step explanation: We assert that there must be a scalar, k, such that textu=ktextv if two nonzero vectors, text u and text v, are parallel. If text u and text v have the same direction, just use k=fractextutextv. If text u and text v are in opposing directions, use k=-frac te x t u te x t v. It's worth noting that the opposite is also true. If textu=ktextv for some scalar text k, then text u and text v have the same left(k>0right) or opposite left(k0right) directions, indicating that text u and text v are parallel. As a result, if and only if textu=ktextv for some scalar text k, two nonzero vectors text u and text v are parallel. The zero vector 0 is considered parallel by convention.

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