English, asked by vvwizto, 2 months ago

A little later, Portia compares Nerissa and the rest to _______________________ . (a) Alcides and the sea-monster
(b) Alcides and the Dardanian wives
(c) Alcides and Hesione
(d) the Dardanian wives with tearstained faces​


Answered by rmb

The correct answer is option d) the Dardanian wives with tearstained faces​.

The question refers to Act 3, Scene 2 of “The Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare. This is the scene when Bassanio faces the casket test. He is looking at the caskets when Portia makes a reference to the Greek story of Alcides and Hesione. Alcides is the hero who saved Hesione from the sea monster. Here, Bassanio is Alcides, Portia is Hesione, the princess who needs to be rescued and everyone else who is present in the room is referred to as Dardainian (Trojan) wives or ladies. They are all emotionally overcome and have been worried about Hesione being taken by the sea monster; so, they are all Hesione’s well-wishers, just like the ladies in the room are Portia’s well-wishers.  


Keeping this comparison in mind, it is clear that the correct answer is the last option.


More on Shakespeare’s 'The Merchant of Venice' :










Answered by omT4680


The answer to your Question is option (D).


When Portia was talking too much to pause time for Bassanio for in choosing wrong, she would lose him forever, she compares Bassanio to Alcides (Other name of Hercules, a Greek mythological character who possesses superhuman strength) and Portia to be a virgin tribute (who is to be sacrificed to the sea serpent) and the other to be Dardarian wives.

Hope you find this answer helpful. For more information, please read the MOV Act 3 scene 2.

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