a long essay on drug addiction and awareness
Drug Abuse Essay
Drug abuse, the compulsive and excessive use of drugs, particularly impacts a person’s brain. It causes brain changes that make it difficult for a person to practice self-control and interfere with their power to defy the urge to take drugs. The changes in the functioning of the brain are inexorable and this is the reason why it often relapses. Even those who recover stand a high risk of returning to drugs even after years of recovery. However, this does not mean that the treatment is not effective enough. One must ensure that the treatment is not stopped. It is an ongoing process though the doctors alter the medication from time to time on the basis of the response received from the patients.
What causes Drug Addiction?
Different people fall prey to this self-damaging habit due to different reasons. Some of the key reasons for drug addiction are shared below:
Feeling of Emptiness
Feeling of emptiness can be the worst feeling and is often difficult to handle. To get rid of these feelings, many people take the road to drugs. They feel that drugs will help them fill the void.
Work Pressure
Many students begin taking drugs to overcome the study related stress. Similarly, there is so much pressure in the corporate offices these days that people are unable to cope up with it. They often turn towards drugs to deal with the stress and anxiety caused at work.
Family/ Relationship problems
Many people also tend to begin taking drugs to overcome stress caused due to family issues or relationship problems and eventually become addicted to the same.
Teenagers often try drugs just for experimenting and get addicted to them before they even realise. Teenagers are more prone to get addicted to them.
Drug addiction can even be genetic. It is often seen that this problem runs in the families. So, there is a high risk of children getting addicted if their parents abuse drugs.
Drugs Available on Prescription
Most drugs prescribed by the doctors are as addictive as the street drugs. Many people mistake them as safe and repeated use of these leads to addiction.
Measures to Overcome Drug Addiction
Overcoming drug addiction can be difficult. However, it is not impossible. With the help of medication, expert guidance and support from family and friends, one can overcome this problem. Discussed below are some measures to help you overcome drug abuse.
Consult Doctor
It takes much more than a strong will power when it comes to getting rid of drug addiction. If you have taken the plunge to get out of the dark world of drugs then it is suggested to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Reducing drug dosage may result in increased level of stress. You can overcome this to a large extent by indulging in physical activities such as jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing and yoga among others.
Eat Healthy
Your physical health especially brain deteriorates because of regular intake of drugs. It is thus advised to have food that contains all the essential nutrients.
Talk to Close Ones
Instead of keeping your feelings to yourself, it is suggested to vent them out. Talk to your family and friends about your issues. This is a good way to de-stress rather than relying on drugs.
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction has become a world-wide abuse in the modern era. Drug means a habit forming substance, if taken, induces pleasure or excitement and sleep or producers insensibility.
Thousands of men and billion of dollars are involved in drug trafficking. That is why, it is so difficult to keep it under control. Drugs are smuggled from Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Hong Kong and many countries of Latin America.
Drug is generally prepared from opium, in which other substances and chemicals are added. This toxicating evil is introduced in the market under such names as LSD,Heroin,Cocaine,Charas etc.
When a drug is taken for the first time,it stimulates the pleasure centres of the brain. It is taken for the sake of pleasure that most users first get accustomed to it. It lets them forget pain, sorrow, insult and other worldly sufferings. Drug is taken in various forms. It may be taken through injection or smoking. It may be chewed and swallowed.
Drug also affects the Kidneys and the brain. It attacks The Nervous System. It causes lots of appetite, brings drowsiness all the time and saps one's strength and stamina. Besides ruining an addict morally, it also affects him physically and psychologically.
These are certain ways of dealing with drug addiction. The government must use the media to propagate against the habit of drug addiction. Voluntary organisations should pay excessive attention to instruct addicts how to give up the vice and to bring them to the mainstream of public live without shame or sorrow.