English, asked by asher2, 1 year ago

a long essays on albert einstein


Answered by rajumonee
Albert Einstein ... This German born physicist is considered one of the world’s greatest thinkers in history. Not only did he shape the way people think of time, space,matter, energy, and gravity but he also was a supporter of Zionism and peaceful living. Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm Germany,and spent most of his youth living in Munich,where his family owned a small electric machinery shop. He attended schooling in Munich, which he found unimaginative and dull. In addition to this he taught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of 12. Later his family was forced to move to Milan,Italy where he then decided to withdraw from school at the age of 15. Eventually he realized that he had to finish secondary school, which he took in Arrau …show more content…
Which is unlike me.On the other hand he did publish five major research papers at the age of 26. The first one getting him his doctorate in 1905. The first paper was on Brownian motion, which is a zigzag motion of microscopic particles in suspension. He suggested that the movement was the result of the random motion of molecules of the suspension medium as they rebound off suspended particles. The second paper laid the base of the photon, or quantum theory of light. It said that light is made off separate packets of energy, titled quanta or photons. The paper remade the theory of light.Also explaining the emissions of electrons from some solid objects when they are struck by light..

Televisions are practical applications of Einstein’s discoveries. The third paper, which he began as an essay at age 16, contained the “special theory of relativity.” He showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, if the speed of light is constant and natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.The fourth was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. This is where he presents his famous E=mc², also known as the energy mass equivalence. Compton’s Interactive translates it as “(E) inherent in mass (m) equals the mass multiplied by the velocity of light squared (c²).” His fifth paper was his general theory of relativity...
Albert Einstein said....
“I do not know with what kinds of weapons the Third World War will be fought, but the Fourth World War will be fought with sticks and stones.” - Albert Einstein ...After World War 2 Albert Einstein was a major leading figure in the World Government Movement. He was offered the presidency of Israel, but he declined. During the start of his scientific life, Einstein realized the inadequacies of the Newtonian Mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics and laws of the electromagnetic field together. He received an honorary doctorate degrees in philosophy, science, and medicine from a variety of European and American universities. Einstein was awarded Fellowships or Memberships …show more content…
He played the violin from age 6 to 13. When he was five Albert Einstein became engrossed with a compass. He was mystified that invisible forces could deflect the needle. When Einstein was 12 he was deeply religious, and went as far to compose several songs praising God. But after he read several science books that contradicted his religious beliefs. This changed his views on God and left a lasting impression. Six weeks after Einstein’s birth his family moved to Munich, Germany. There Albert began his schooling at the age of 6 at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, him and his family moved to Aarau, Switzerland. At the Luitpold Gymnasium Einstein often felt out of place and victimized by a Prussian-style educational system that seemed to look down on original and creativity. One of his teachers told him that he’d never amount to anything ( “Albert Einstein”) In the year 1894 Einstein failed an exam at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich that would have allowed him to become an electronic engineer. After studying for two years he obtained a post at the Swiss Patent office in Bern. He spent the year 1895 in Aarau at the Cantonal Secondary School, where he enjoyed the luxury of first rate facilities and great teachers in physics. In 1896 Einstein returned to the Zurich Polytechnic and graduated in 1900 as a secondary school teacher of physics and mathematics.

Hope it Will help You : )
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