A man bought 36 oranges at 6 for Rs 5 and sold them at 1 rupee each. Find his gain or loss per cent.
Step-by-step explanation:
profit bro 6 orange for 5rupee=30
and other for 1 rupee
A person sells 36 oranges per rupee and suffers a loss of 4%. Find how many oranges per rupee need to be sold to have a gain of 8%.
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Principle of recovery- The best method to tackle these kind of problems.
To gain more, one must have the ‘tendency’ to sell less.
With 36 oranges, I could recover only 96% of the cost.
How many I must sell to recover 108% of the cost?
Principle of recovery reduces this question to one arithmetic calculation- 36*(96/108) =32
Why 96/108? - This value shows the ‘tendency’ to sell less to maximise profit. Since, I have to shoot up my gains, I'd multiply the original sale with a smaller ratio to get the required number.
Think Smart. Minimise redundant calculations where you can :)