A man bought cardboard sheet for Rs.3600 and spent Rs.100 on transpot. Paying Rs.300 for labour, he had 330 boxes made, which he sold at Rs.14 each. Find the profit percent.
Firstly we have to see all the payments.
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100Money for the labour = 300
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100Money for the labour = 300All the total of this payments = 3600 + 100 + 300 = 4000
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100Money for the labour = 300All the total of this payments = 3600 + 100 + 300 = 4000He made the boxes of the cardboard sheet that he borrowed for ₹3600
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100Money for the labour = 300All the total of this payments = 3600 + 100 + 300 = 4000He made the boxes of the cardboard sheet that he borrowed for ₹3600Now we have to see price of each boxes = 14 × 330 = 4620
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100Money for the labour = 300All the total of this payments = 3600 + 100 + 300 = 4000He made the boxes of the cardboard sheet that he borrowed for ₹3600Now we have to see price of each boxes = 14 × 330 = 4620To get the profit percent we have to divide 4000 by 4620 = 4000/4620 = 1.15
Firstly we have to see all the payments.Then,Price of cardboard = 3600Rs spent on transport = 100Money for the labour = 300All the total of this payments = 3600 + 100 + 300 = 4000He made the boxes of the cardboard sheet that he borrowed for ₹3600Now we have to see price of each boxes = 14 × 330 = 4620To get the profit percent we have to divide 4000 by 4620 = 4000/4620 = 1.15Therefore, the profit per cent = 1.15%
hope u will get ans..❤❤❤
he he he xd sameer is here
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