A man bought two books for Rs 1040. He sold one at a loss of 15% and other at a profit of 36% then he found that each book was sold for the same price. Find the cost price of each book.
720 is the correct answer
hey friend your answer is
Step-by-step explanation:
Let the cost of 1 book be 100x
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100x
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100xFirst book sold at 36% profit, sale value = 136x
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100xFirst book sold at 36% profit, sale value = 136xSecond sold at 15% loss , sale value = 85/100 ( 1040- 100x) = 884 -85x
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100xFirst book sold at 36% profit, sale value = 136xSecond sold at 15% loss , sale value = 85/100 ( 1040- 100x) = 884 -85x136x = 884 -85x
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100xFirst book sold at 36% profit, sale value = 136xSecond sold at 15% loss , sale value = 85/100 ( 1040- 100x) = 884 -85x136x = 884 -85x221x =884
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100xFirst book sold at 36% profit, sale value = 136xSecond sold at 15% loss , sale value = 85/100 ( 1040- 100x) = 884 -85x136x = 884 -85x221x =884x= 4
Let the cost of 1 book be 100xThen the cost of the other = 1040–100xFirst book sold at 36% profit, sale value = 136xSecond sold at 15% loss , sale value = 85/100 ( 1040- 100x) = 884 -85x136x = 884 -85x221x =884x= 4ANSWER Rs400 (sold at at36% profit ) + Rs 640 ( sold at 15% loss)
hope it helps you
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