A man named Nodal Holyas falls victim to a kidnapper. When his misery is finally over, Nodil has a shocking surprise for his family. He claims to be someone else. Simon Helfins, his brother, wonders if there is some strange truth to his assertion. Then he...
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you should have little shame idiot that you are even trying to copy cca idiot
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A man named Nodal Holyas falls victim to a kidnapper. When his misery is finally over, Nodil has a shocking surprise for his family. He claims to be someone else. Simon Helfins, his brother, wonders if there is some strange truth to his assertion. Then he starts investigating as to what has gone wrong with Nodil. He checked with his friends and also searched about his recent travel. Then he came to know about his kidnapping and it was there, where the kidnapper has given him some thing that has erasen his memory. His brother than took Nodal to the doctor for his memory recovery
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