Biology, asked by saviovarghese9696, 1 year ago

A man of blood type ab married a women of blood type ab what are the possible genotype of parents


Answered by mayank3441

hey..mate thats ur ans:-

inheritance of the ABO blood group alleles has resulted in a steady stream on inquiries to the Biology Project from mothers, grandmothers, and children inquiring about the possible blood type of the father of a given child. Here is a typical inquiry:

I have been reading your info about inheritance of blood types and I am getting very confused! I am trying to figure out what blood type the father of my son could have since my son and I are both type A+. Also, my brother is type 0 and my mom is A+. We can't find anything that explains how this can be. Could you please help???

--From a concerned Mom in Alberta, Canada

The Human ABO markers: The A, B, and O alleles

Human blood type is determined by co-dominant alleles. An allele is one of several different forms of genetic information that is present in our DNA at a specific location on a specific chromosome. There are three different alleles for human blood type, known as IA, IB, and i. For simplicity, we can call these alleles A (for IA), B (for IB), and O (for i).

Each of us has two ABO blood type alleles, because we each inherit one blood type allele from our biological mother and one from our biological father. A description of the pair of alleles in our DNA is called the genotype. Since there are three different alleles, there are a total of six different genotypes at the human ABO genetic locus. The different possible genotypes are AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, and OO.

mayank3441: brainlist plz
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