“A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.” This quote highlights the importance of good manners in life.
Write an article for your school magazine on “Good Manners.' You may use the following hints with your own ideas. Hints: First step to success − need for good manners − make life easy with politeness − create goodwill − use words like thank you, please, sorry − important words − well mannered people liked by all.
A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.”
The manners of a man determine how he is seen by people. Well-mannered people are respected in the society. One needs good manners in order to succeed in life.
Good manners shape the character and personality of a human being. Good manners are learnt early during childhood.
Life can be very easy for a good mannered people. Good manners often open the door for people in life.
Good manners involve saying words like sorry, thank you and excuse me.
Answer:A a man's Manner in which he shows his portrait....this quotes highlights the importance of good manners in life:-
Explanation: Everyone of us dream of success.we spent hours thinking about the ways to success but often neglect a simple ingredient- "good manners".Good manner is not just an action it's a way of life but in the fast paced Life of today it's neglected.
From the smallest classes, we are taught good manners, like brushing our teeth daily, saying thanks, obeying elders...etc but the impact it can have a life is realised much later.
It automatically brings into our politeness and Goodwill that is the flow of life. It keeps us much more relaxed and better equipped to face the difficulties of life. Moreover, no one can dislike a person with good manners.
Hence,there are numerous reasons to adopt good manners. It is not only pleasant for the person who follows it but also for everyone comes in contact with person.The world is going to be a much better place ,if everyone realizes importance of good manners.
Hope it help u all .....