A man spends Rs 2310 on an average during thefirst 8 month from the income. During next 4 monthhe spends Rs. 1800 on an average from his incomebut he had taken a loan of Rs. 1680 apart from hisincome to meet his both ends. If he spent all whathe had then the ratio of average income and average expenditure
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Step-by-step explanation:
Given A man spends Rs 2310 on an average during the first 8 month from the income. During next 4 month he spends Rs. 1800 on an average from his income but he had taken a loan of Rs. 1680 apart from his income to meet his both ends. If he spent all what the had then the ratio of average income and average expenditure
- Average income = 8 x 2310 + 4 x 1800 - 1680 / 12
- = 17,040 + 7200 – 1680 / 12
- = 24,000 / 12
- = 2000
- Average expenditure = 8 x 2310 + 4 x 1800 / 12
- = 17,040 + 7200 / 12
- = 25680 / 12
- = 2140
- Now average income / average expenditure = 2000 / 2140
- = 100 : 107
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