A man wears socks of two colours - Black and White. He has altogether 30 black socks and 10 brown socks in a drawer. Supposing he has to take out the socks in the dark, how many must he take out to be sure that he has a matching pair ?
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 2
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none of above . and let's NOT argue about xCy etc theoretically
to be sure enough I guess, P=1 . ! ans 12
Assume he picks 5 , can he make out in dark which one is which or that he has one pair or black ? NO.
if he is going on a Trip and packing in dark , I would suggest , he picks 12 to get FOR SURE one pair of black. this comes from limiting p , when chancw of P B is atleast 1
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