A man weighing 14 stone and his two son's weighing 7 stone each were on an Island .All they had to get off the island was a small boat but it could hold 14 stones how did man and his son get off the island
The two sons will 1st sit in boat and get off,
one of them will stay there and one will come back.
now his father will sit in the boat and get off the island,
now the boy at other end will take the boat and go to the island.
and take the other boy with him, and both will get off the island.
if u still not understand, then msg me.
and please follow me.
Step-by-step explanation:
The two sons will both sail to safety.
One of the sons will go back to the island
The father by himself will then go to safety
Then the son that was already safe will sail back to the island
He will take the son that was still on the island with him
They will both sail back to safety
They will all be safe
And will live happily ever after
And not decide to strand themselves on an island