English, asked by maliparitosh7667, 6 months ago

a missing letter to my grandma?


Answered by deepaksc71


Dear Grandma,

You are my heart and soul. You give me a push each day to tackle life one breath at a time.

I miss and love you so much and there isn’t a day I don’t wish you were here with me. There are days I find myself still wanting to pick up the phone and call you like I used to do.

When I lost you, I also lost a piece of my heart. I lost that special bond that I will never be able to fill.

Ever since I was little, you used to tell me how excited you were to watch me grow up and become something special. Each time I accomplish something, rather it be big or small, it slightly pains me because you’re not here to enjoy these moments with me.

All of my life, I cherished every moment I had with you. When we would have our “life talks,” as you would call them, I took in all of that information.

I have tried my hardest to remember everything you have taught me throughout our talks that would help me become successful in life because I know that was your ultimate goal for me.

You inspired me to be strong when I might be weak.

You inspired me to be smart and make the right decisions in life.

You inspired me to me to pursue my dreams of becoming a nurse.

Being a senior in high school and preparing for my open house made me realize that you won’t be here on my graduation day.

Not having you here on that day will be rough, but I know I will be able to get through it because you taught me to be strong.

You told me, no matter where life takes me, to be strong and that you will always be right near my heart whenever I needed you.

Thank you for everything you have taught me and inspired me to do with my life, Grandma. You encourage me to keep pushing through each day and achieve my goals.

“Remember that I will always love you, always and forever, your Nana” is something that you used to say to me, and I will never forget it. It’s so special to me that I even got this saying tattooed on my arm.

In memory of Donna Marie Dell, love always,


Your Granddaughter

Answered by esmala


Dear Amma (Grandmother),

Hello! How are you? Long time no see. I miss you very much! I cannot believe that so much time has elapsed since your passing. I clearly remember the day I walked into your bedroom beside mine to hear from you as mum told me you wanted to talk. I recall my terror when you did not respond. I remember running across the house to call our family doctor (Dr. Singh). Do you remember him? The person who helped you conquer your fear of needles and syringes?

I am sorry for being angry with you for the very last night we could be together. But see, with you, my anger has also died in me. Now your grandchild has a fear of losing someone while angry so she now has a practice of saying “sorry”.

Thinking of you is a cheerful and tragic part of my life. I spent days crying, laughing, and other emotions I cannot even figure out. Your death is one strange thing — one moment I cry whenever I remember that I’ll never be able to see you or hug you anymore, and the next I laugh due to the funny moments we shared.

When you died, I took it so hard — it was the toughest thing to happen in my adult life. I took your passing the hardest of anyone in the family. I think it’s because, for the first time in my adult life, someone who meant such a lot to me was gone. I didn’t realize how much you meant to me until you were gone.

I’m sorry you will not be at my wedding if I ever marry. I’m sorry I’ll never hear your hilarious stories, and I am sorry I wasn’t able to see you one last time or tell you I love you one last time.

Finally, though, you can breathe easy. Finally, Grandma, you can breathe without a struggle. Finally, you are reunited with Grandpa. Finally, you are at home.

I can’t thank you enough for being my grandmother. I don’t know how you did it. You faced some incredible challenges that I cannot imagine facing.

I wish I had a magic wand to bring back time and spend one last hour with you to hug you and to thank you for everything, to say my proper goodbyes. If only I had done all that before you left, maybe the pain would be less unbearable.

So to you grandma, I say thank you. Thank you for being the incredible woman you were. I’m so thankful to have had the connection we did and while I’m better since you passed, and it has been almost three years, it’s still hard. But I know you’re always there, and you will always guide me and protect me.

I love you, and I am sure we’d meet someday in another world!

— Your ever grateful granddaughter.

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